If you don’t know by now, two years ago, after teaching for six years I decided to quit. My decision was based on a large mix of FOMO, or fear of missing out on some of the dreams I never gave myself the opportunity to pursue. Next, there was the extreme burn-out. I was tired and there was no amount of napping or time off that could fix it. Lastly, feeling unappreciated in the profession. I felt like I was doing awesome work, and no one cared. I soon realized that wasn’t true. After my brief hiatus and giving myself the things and time I needed to be better, I’m back in the classroom. At my old campus to be exact! I’m back after the end of the 1st semester completely transformed from the way I used to work to give you some insight oh how I’ve created a better work life balance by using these 8 steps and how you can too.
Back in my element.
Go Home On Time! – I really used to think I was doing something by taking my little “look I’m the last one in the parking lot” pictures. It would be me and the custodial staff. Now that I think back I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I was never really alone throughout the day to get any real work done. Once it was finally time for my planning period so many of my coworkers would want to come and visit, I had errands around the building to run, going to get food, or just chilling because I wanted to actually enjoy my break. After school I had to coach so I wouldn’t actually be alone and distraction free until around 5:30 or 6. Since then I’ve learned to tell my coworkers right now isn’t a good time and prioritize tasks and give them a time limit once planning period comes. I’ve also told myself I can relax at home and feel guilt free about it if I actually get my tasks done for the day. Only chill if all your tasks are complete! I also don’t coach anymore. I’m not completely sure if I’m done forever but for now I’m trying to ease my way back into this. Iykyk. I said all that to say manage your time wisely during the day and whatever you didn’t get done throughout the day will in fact be there tomorrow. You do not get an award for staying at the work the latest and it’s honestly now safe.
February 2018
2. Use Your Days- I had a moment in September which was way ahead of schedule because I typically have these moments in October lol. The burn out and overwhelming feeling came down on me heavy sooner than I expected. I was in a space where I was placing unrealistic expectations on myself. I just wanted to do everything right and prove to myself that I was coming in killing it. No time for mistakes! This day in particular after I was walking down the hallway with defeat all over my face, my principal spotted me and insisted we talk about it. After that impromptu conversation about slowing down, giving myself grace, and not being too hard on myself he made it clear that I should not feel guilty about missing a day or two to get your mind right, and so I took my first day. I love him for that! I took my day and the world didn’t end and the school didn’t have to shut down because I wasn’t there. Those are just a couple of intrusive thoughts that I’ve made myself crazy with in the past. I said all that to say, if you need a day, take a day. That’s what they’re there for.
3. Say No to the Things You’re Not Obligated to Say Yes to- I’ve said this before in my most recent blog post actually that I would get mad at people for asking me to do things I didn’t have the capacity to do when all I had to do was say no! I’ve learned and I’ve practiced and I’m a “No” machine! Lol! I no longer feel guilty for not taking on tasks that I don’t either have the time or capacity for. I would always feel like if I didn’t do it, it wouldn’t get done and I would ruin whatever it is they were trying to do. That isn’t the case at all. You know what the actual truth is? They’ll get somebody else to do it or do it themselves. I no longer take other people’s problems on as my own and I said all that to say, you shouldn’t either.
4. Do Your Hobbies- I recently got into yarn art. There was a trend going around where people were DIY’ing their shoes with yarn and as weird as it sounds, it was actually pretty cool. I went out and bought yarn with the intention of doing the same but when I got home I changed my mind and went with a canvas piece instead. It was so much fun to make and incredibly beautiful once I was finished. Tell me why a hint of guilt tried to creep in!? Here I was AGAIN with yet another new collection of things that I may only use a few times. I quickly snapped out of it and didn’t care. If it’s something I currently enjoy and it isn’t hurting anyone I’m going to keep doing it. It’s also perfectly fine if my interests change over time. I said all that to say that you should too. Make more time for the things you enjoy. I honestly believe your mental health depends on it. Imbed these things into your schedule as priorities so your “you time” begins to be a priority and not something you just so happen to get to do.
5. Hang Out- Can you believe I hung out on a Thursday evening until 12am like I was in college recently?(not pictured) Well, let me clear some things up first. It was a testing week so there was no teaching going on the next day and I still woke up in time the next morning. Now that that’s out the way lol, it doesn’t have to be during your work week or even every weekend. I know sometimes the first thing I want to do when the weekend hits is get in the bed and not get up until Sunday. I’ve found that saying yes to a few invitations here and there have rejuvenated me more than a second nap of the day would have. Being with friends, family, and significant others really has the power to recharge you and take your mind off your daily, sometimes mundane tasks. I said all that to say get out sometimes even if it’s by yourself. Don’t get stuck in the pattern of being a weekend Couch Potato. Go outside!
My favorite friends turned family.
6. Stop Taking Work Home- This one ties in with number one. If you use the time that you’re allotted at work to plan and get things done wisely, there will be no need to take things home. I seriously struggle with my time management and not being so easily distracted so this isn’t as easy for me but I’m a work in progress. There’s only so much time you get outside of work anyway. Why use it doing more work? There is no award for taking work home and working more unpaid hours. I said all that to say, let work be work and home be home.
7. Delegate Tasks Where You Can- Ask for help! When I say I’ve struggled for so long in this department because of the fear of being let down, rejection, or just hyper independence which I know are some sort of trauma response, but we won’t get into that right now chile. I heard a lady on Tik Tok the other day say that her teenage daughter challenged her to think of it as utilizing your resources in times of need rather than a plea for help. When you look at it that way it takes the pressure off of hearing no. Just utilize another resource until you get a yes. When I have a bunch to do I utilize students. They are always eager to help out once they’re done with their work. Let them! Separating supplies and organizing is at the top of their list lol. I said all that that to say you’re not a super hero and cannot do it all alone. We need help sometimes and it’s ok to ask for it.
8. REST!- that’s it, that’s the post. No seriously. The notion that you can rest when you die is not healthy. I’d like to honestly say it’s dumb. A consistent lack of sleep and rest can ruin your physical and mental health. It can cause you to suffer from things like stress, anxiety, weight gain, and more. Overall you lose the quality of productivity you could possibly have throughout the work day so that you could actually go home on time, and use your days when you really need them, and have the right mind to say no to things that you’re not obligated to do, and make time for your hobbies, and hang out after work or the weekends because you didn’t take your work home and asked others for help when you needed it! You see what I did there? Lol.
I hope this list was helpful and that you make time to balance all the things on your plate. It’s do-able. I believe in you!